noProduktnummer: AMT420-1
AMT Titan lav stekepanne 420
Stekepanne 4 cm høy, diameter oppe innvendig 20cm
AMT Titan stekepanne. Diameter på kanten oppe invendig er 20cm. Dybde innvendig 3 cm.
Formstøpt for beste varmespredning og stekeresultat.
Panne med lav kant er velegnet som frokostpanne og for steking av flate kompakte objekt. Steking av grytebiter og kjøttdeig går selvfölgelig også bra, men det er lett å søle.
Pannene er belagt med et slipp lett belegg som kalles LOTAN. Lotan er med på å skape en slik overflate at smør og stekefett ikke trenger å benyttes under matlagingen.
Pannen er bygget opp av flere lag.
Lag 1: Aluminiumsbase 9-10 mm tykk
Lag 2: Sandblåst aluminiumsbase
Lag 3 : Titanium Oxide lag.
Lag 4: Anti korrusjon lag
Lag 5: Keramisk overflatebehandling
Lag 6: 4 lag slipp lett belegg.
Alle AMT`s produkter følger godkjennelsene, restriksjonene og standardene til ISO 9001:2000
All products of AMT Gastroguss are hand casted in chill-mould technique. Our aluminium made cookware has been produced at our company for years, handcasted, sealed, assembled and packed by hand. Only the experienced founder has the feeling for the right moment, when the material has stiffened completely and the form can be opened to take the cast part out of the mould. The aluminium solidifies in 3-4 minutes. Through this long duration of solidifying, we are able to achieve a tension free structure as well as a non draughtable bottom.
All handles of our product are build of extremely stable bakelite, oven proved until 260°C, 500 ° Farenheit. Cookware made by AMT Gastroguss is extra hard sealed in a patented high-tech process. We obtain excellent abrasive solidity and anti-stick quality by shooting an extremely hard material (Titanoxid) with a 20,000 degrees temperature plasma beam. Brass threads are molded into every product, to secure a higher firmness in the thread, and a higher stability of the handle. A speciality of AMT Gastroguss' products is the micro fine turned bottom, that ensures best heat transmission and distribution by maximum plain surfaces, especially on ceramic and halogen ovens.AMT Gastroguss is official outfitter and sponsor of the "German National Culinary Team". We invite you to benefit from the experience of German top chefs and their great cooperation with AMT Gastroguss. The experience of the professional chefs have greatly influenced the design of our new products.
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